Saturday, December 6, 2014

Canyon Lake Gorge

Canyon Lake Gorge was absolutely amazing. The entire place was absolutely gorgeous and fascinating, especially all the fossils. The tour guides were also very informative and helpful. On a whole, the entire experience was very worth the almost slipping and falling from mud and holes involved with the entire experience.

The rocks and fossils in the gorge were amazing. I had never exactly understand how faults and the hanging and foot wall worked, but after seeing them myself, and walking on them made me start to really get it. The same thing happened with seeing the sedimentation of rock, as well as the difference between normal position and when rock layers and soil horizons are shifted by different geological events like fault shifts. The sheer amount of faults was also amazing. The fossils were incredible. I had never heard about the species of dinosaurs that left tracks, and the fact that there were so many tiny fossils of urchins, algae balls, and

crustaceans blew my mind, and that they were so exposed and easy to find. I could not believe that so many organisms were fossilized so well for millions of years.The formation of the gorge itself was also incredible. So much geological and paleontological information was uncovered just because of one storm, without which the faults and thousands of fossils down in the gorge would not be seen.

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